3 Lists for Organized ADHD Moms

Hey ADHD Moms,

Do you ever feel like everyone else “adults” better than you? It makes sense! As women with ADHD, we’re still 30% behind our peers when it comes to executive functioning!

That means that other people legitimately ARE better at organizing, prioritizing, scheduling, remembering, all the things.

An image of an ADHD Mom's planner, text reads "mastering motherhood with adhd: 3 lists for organized moms"

Totally unfair! Right? But it’s true and as ADHD Moms, we have to stick together and figure it out.

So today’s blog post is actually from an old podcast episode, back in November, but these three lists are an excellent support for us year-round.

Let’s get into the list. Let’s talk about. The three lists that will help you To be more organized and ready the rest of this year.

1. The Address Book:
Keeping track of addresses and important dates can feel like an insurmountable task, especially for ADHD moms. But fear not! Building an address book can revolutionize the way you stay connected with friends and family. Simply reach out and gather addresses and birthdays, and you’re all set to spread some love and gratitude any time of year.

an ADHD Mom writes in her journal. Text reads "empowering adhd moms: you've got this!"

2. The VIP List:
We all have those special people in our lives who deserve some extra love and attention. The VIP list is your secret weapon for staying connected with those who matter most. Split it into categories like friends, family, and your kids’ friends’ parents. Schedule regular check-ins to let them know they’re valued, even when life gets hectic.

3. Feeding Your People:
Mealtime can be chaotic, ADHD mom, especially when dealing with picky eaters. That’s why keeping track of family-favorite meals and experimenting with new recipes is a game-changer. By ensuring there’s something on the plate that everyone loves, you can avoid those hangry meltdowns and bring a sense of joy to the dinner table year-round.

And as a bonus, keeping a separate list of recipes to try adds excitement to meal planning and expands your culinary horizons.

An ADHD Mom writes in her calendar. Text reads "stay sane, stay organized: essential lists for ADHD Moms"

So there you have it, three essential lists (plus a bonus) to empower ADHD moms year-round. Whether it’s the holiday season or the middle of summer, these lists are here to support you every step of the way.

Before we wrap up, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to all of you who’ve stuck around till the end. If you found today’s tips helpful, please take a moment to share this post with other moms who might benefit from it.

Alright, friends, that’s all for today. Remember, you are capable, you are resilient, and you are enough. Until next time, take care and stay fabulous!

Thank you for being a part of this wonderful journey.

xo, Kayla

P.S. If you liked these ideas, check out these posts

An ADHD mom writes. Text overlay reads "organizational tips for ADHD Moms Stay on top of your game!"

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