Behavior Consultant Megg Thompson on Positive Parenting Strategies for Young Children

Are you a SAHM with two young kids under the age of four? Do you struggle with finding positive parenting strategies that work for your children? In this podcast episode, we talk to Megg Thompson, a behavior consultant who spent a decade working as a kindergarten teacher before realizing that she was drawn to the kids that others found to be more challenging.

Megg uses a proactive and strength-based approach to behavior and only uses strategies that are cemented in love, not fear. She believes in internal motivation and refuses to use fear-based methods like stickers, tickets, tokens, points, and clip charts. In her words, she sees children as perfectly designed and equipped with the exact right tools to help them be their very best.

During the podcast, Megg answers three questions from members of our Facebook community. The first question is how to help a child express feelings of anger and frustration in a healthy, safe way. The second question deals with working through complex emotions when a parent is away from home for long periods of time. And the third question is how to deal with sibling conflicts when an older brother constantly takes toys out of a younger brother’s hands.

If you’re looking for positive parenting strategies for young children, this podcast episode is a must-listen. Check out Megg’s Website and follow her on Instagram for more tips and advice.

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